The Attoswitch project on Dirac source (cold source) transistors will participate in the 2-day Workshop on “Advanced (2D) materials and their applications" held in Aachen on February 17th-18th, 2025!
The 2025 edition of this established and international yearly event is an unique opportunity for all participants to network with four EU-funded projects dealing with development and applications of two-dimensional materials; namely: ATTOSWITCH (www.attoswitch.eu), FOXES (www.foxes-project.eu/), the 2D-ENGINE initiative (graphene-flagship.eu/focus/2d-materials-of-tomorrow/2d-engine/), and the 2D-PL pilot line (graphene-flagship.eu/industrialisation/pilot-line/) for integration of 2D materials in the semiconductor industry.
The ATTOSWITCH project partners will contribute six presentations on advanced topics related to steep slope MOS devices (Lars-Erik Wernersson, LUND University) and to the fabrication (Cezar Zota, IBM Zurich, and Dennis Lin, imec), physical characterization (Paulo Ferreira, INL), and modeling/simulation (Aryan Afzalian, imec, and David Esseni, IUNET-Udine) of 2D and 3D Dirac materials and devices for cold-source steep slope FETs.
Join us in Aachen to know more about recent developments of this exciting new technology!
Participation is free and open to everybody upon registration at the link https://www.amo.de/en/events/workshop-on-advanced-2d-materials-and-their-applications/ (deadline: February 2, 2025).
Come & Join!